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Search Engine ranking tips

10 secret tips for search engine rankings
1. Create Unique content.
2. Keywords and metatags are a must for seaech engines other than google. Create a keyword rich content.
3. Adwords are a great technique if you use it wisely.
4. Create a sitemap for submitting to search engines. An xml sitemap will do for google. For yahoo you need a ROR sitemap. ROR sitemap are accepted by most of the search engines.If you are unaware of how to make a sitemap there are lots of free sevices which creat free sitemap for you. But for bigger websites you need to buy their services.
5. Backlinking to other sites and locations will increase your pageranking in search engines.
6. Optimize your website for search engines. There are somany optimizing tips available in the net.
7. If your Title itself resembles a keyword there are more chances you will come in better position in search engines.
8. Content is the king. If you are authentic and emaculate in your content you will get a better ranking. Also try to add more on your content. Allow users to comment on the content.
9. Track your sites top keywords using webmastertools and try to build on the top keywords for your site.
10. Update your content often. Use robot.txt wisely.


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